How To Write A Follow-Up Email

Write A Follow-Up Email

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Sending a follow-up email is the best way to ensure you are not missing out on any opportunities. To be more effective with your follow-ups, you must ensure they are well-written and personalised.

The email follow-up is an excellent way for you to stay in touch with your leads, prospects, and customers after they’ve interacted with you. It can convert prospects into customers and improve your customer service.

In this article, we will give you tips and some examples of appropriate subject lines for follow-up emails. Read on to learn more about writing a follow-up email.

Tips For Writing A Follow-up Email Subject Line

Subject lines are an essential part of email marketing. They are what grab the attention of the recipient and make them read your email. The most important thing when writing a follow-up email subject line is to make it relevant to the content of your email.

To write a follow-up subject line, you should be able to answer these questions:

  • What’s your main point?
  • How does this subject line relate to your main point?
  • What emotion do you want the reader to feel when seeing this subject line?

Below are some tips for writing a follow-up email with good subject lines:

1. Connect with the previous email.

To connect with the previous email, we need to know what it is about. We need to know that the email is about a new product launch, and then we should make sure that we talk about how this product will help the customer.

There are two fundamental approaches to adding follow-ups to your cold email campaigns:

  • Send the follow-up in the same thread as the initial email.
    As a result, prospects are reminded of the offer from the previous email. Follow -ups can continue the story or offer additional benefits.
  • Send the follow-up as a new message.
    Occasionally, a new thread may be appropriate to follow up on. The typical use cases are:

    • Nothing was interesting or relevant about the subject line of the first email that made your prospect choose not to open it.
    • It’s time for you to test different subject lines for your follow-ups, and you know how to weave all the previous messages together.
    • Your initial email contained a mistake detected before you sent a follow-up. As a result, you have another opportunity to make an excellent first impression.

You should understand that there is a possibility that the recipient will not check the original email if you send a follow-up email in a new thread for one of these reasons. Be sure to provide an additional context in the follow-up email. If a follow-up is sent in a new thread, the recipient should be able to start the discussion.

2. Keep it short and catchy

Your follow-up email subject line should be as short as possible to be effective. Short, sweet, and straight-to-the-point messages are much easier to capture prospects’ attention.

3. Make it personal

Start with something simple, like the prospect’s name and company, and add advanced personalisation by mentioning their job title, the place you met, the content they wrote, a mutual connection, and so on.

You’ll get higher open rates if you add a personal touch to your follow-up subject line. If you are trying to reach many prospects, doing this manually can become a problem.

4. Ask open-ended questions

You may ask a question the prospect is already asking themselves in your follow-up subject line. This might relate to the problem you shared in the first email, or it might just be something you think will interest your prospect.

Keep your questions open-ended so your prospect can’t answer them with a “no.”

5. Avoid sounding passive-aggressive

Your follow-up subject lines must demonstrate confidence and provide additional value, and interest prospects with your offer, without appearing aggressive or desperate.

6. Automate follow-ups

Afterwards, decide whether to send follow-ups in the same thread as the initial email or to send each message as a separate message with a different subject line. Follow-up messages can be added up to three times to your initial message, and each delay can be customised.

Examples Of Follow-up Email Subject Lines

Think about the different subject lines you can use in your following follow-up email. Your email should have a purpose and describe what you want the recipient to do after receiving it. You can use the following five example subject lines, along with an explanation of why they are appropriate:

1. “Next steps.”

The subject line is not only short and to the point, but it also leaves people wondering what the next steps are. They’re more likely to open your email if they’re curious about the next steps.

2. “Can you help me with this?”

Consider using this type of follow-up email subject line if you need someone’s help or direction. Due to people’s natural desire to feel helpful, this subject line not only encourages them to reply to you but also shows that you are interested in their input. Prepare a sincere request and ensure you genuinely consider following their advice or input.

3. “Just left you a voicemail.”

Your follow-up email subject line indicates that you’ve already contacted them by other means and that you are serious about reaching out to them. This shows you are trying to maintain a genuine connection with them while remaining respectfully persistent.

4. “Did you see this?”

You can use this follow-up email subject line to share news or new information with your recipient. This subject line can be used to bring attention to product features that were missed by your prospects.

5. “Regarding my application.”

You can use this subject line to follow up with the hiring manager or the interviewer if you recently applied for a job. Subject lines like this get to the point quickly and inform the recipient that you have applied for a position at their company.


A follow-up email is essential because it encourages a customer to return to your business, and it can help you save on marketing costs. When your customer buys from you, they trust you. If the customer is satisfied with their purchase, they are more likely to follow through with future purchases. Below are some of the critical uses of using appropriate subject lines on Gmail:

  • The subject line must be short, quick, and catchy.
  • Ask open-ended questions to make the prospects avoid answering no.
  • Keep the subject personal and short.


How long should I wait to send a follow-up email?

The average time to wait before sending another email is around 24 hours. However, this varies depending on the targeted person, their business and industry, and their previous responses.

How do you send a follow-up email to a busy person?

The most important thing to remember when sending a follow-up email to someone busy is that the person you are following up with may not be interested in hearing from you.

There are some ways to make sure your follow-up email doesn’t end up in the spam folder, such as:

  • Make sure your email subject line is relevant and informative
  • Mentioning how much time has passed since you last communicated
  • Include a call to action in your email, such as “I wanted to see if there’s anything we can do together” or “I’m thinking about lunch next week; what do you think?”

How many follow-up emails should I send?

The ideal number of follow-up emails is when the person you are emailing starts responding to your emails. For example, if you email someone and they don’t respond for a week, then you should send them one more email. If they respond within a day or two, then don’t send any more emails.

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