What Is an Email Workflow?

Workflow Email Marketing

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Workflow Email Marketing

Email is a versatile communication tool that has been used for decades. It is the most popular way of communicating with people in the world. As email usage continues to grow, so does the need for automation.

Email workflows are automated sequences of actions that help to manage emails and keep them organised. They are designed to reduce time spent on email management tasks and increase productivity.

In this article, we will explore what an email workflow is and how it can help you with your business needs. We will also cover how they can be implemented in various scenarios, such as marketing campaigns and sales processes.

What is an Email Workflow?

Email workflows are becoming increasingly popular due to the rise of automation in our daily lives. They can help us save time by automating repetitive tasks such as emails or scheduling meetings.

Email workflows are crucial for the success of any business. They allow individuals and teams to stay on top of their inboxes and manage the flow of incoming emails efficiently. Email workflows can also manage customer service inquiries, customer relations, and sales campaigns.

Why should you set up an Email Workflow?

Email marketing is one of the best ways to build your brand and generate leads for your business. However, email workflow management can be a daunting task. It requires you to manage different types of emails, from email templates to personalised messages.

Setting up an email workflow will help you save time, improve your productivity and boost customer engagement. An email workflow is a process that helps your business run smoothly and efficiently. It can help you to:

  • Reduce the number of emails in your inbox by setting up rules that automatically filter out or move emails to different folders.
  • Create a clear and consistent way of communicating with employees, customers, and suppliers.
  • Track essential emails to make sure they are followed up on.

All these benefits can be achieved by following an email workflow set up for your business.

How to Automate Email Workflows

As email marketing has evolved, email workflows have become a lot more complicated. If you’re looking for steps to automate your email workflows, then this section is for you:

1. Select email automation software.

Email automation software is a tool that helps in sending out emails to the target audience. Many marketers are using email automation software to send out personalised newsletters, marketing campaigns, and sales emails. They also use it for automated follow-up or reminders.

2. Identify who you’re sharing your email campaigns with.

The best way to identify who you’re sharing your email campaigns with is by asking yourself these questions:

  1. What type of content will I be sending them?
  2. What’s their interest in my content?
  3. How many people am I targeting?
  4. Is my recipient segmented based on geography or demographics?
  5. Are they current customers or lead prospects?

3. Determine your email campaign’s goal.

The goal of an email campaign should be to drive traffic to your website or landing page, ultimately leading to a conversion. Email marketing success depends on whether you can determine your goal and how you can achieve it.

There are various ways of segmenting your audiences, such as age, gender, interests, location, or industry. You can also segment based on previous purchases or events that have taken place in the past.

4. Set enrollment criteria.

Enrollment criteria are a set of qualifications that must be met before a contract can be entered into a workflow. If you have information about contacts in your marketing database, you may also set up email workflows based on their page views, email and social media clicks, content downloads, contact properties, or any combination of these.

5. Determine which processes you want to automate with Workflows.

Workflows automate processes in your business or your personal life. They can be used to automate repetitive tasks, like sending emails, scheduling meetings, and so on. It’s a great way to save time and focus on more important things.

6. Create your email campaign assets.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your audience. It’s a great way to build brand awareness and increase engagement with your audiences. A good email campaign asset should have the following:

  • a clear purpose or intent
  • a specific call to action
  • an emotional appeal
  • a sense of urgency

7. Check your email automation setup and run a test.

Automation tools are widely used in digital marketing to automate repetitive tasks and save time. However, marketers need to test their automation setup before using them. If you are interested in improving your email automation setup, you can run a test using the following steps:

  1. Log into your Gmail account and go to the “Compose Mail” tab.
  2. You should see a drop-down menu with the following options:
  • Select “New Message”
  • Select “Drafts”
  • Select “Sent Mail”
  • Select “All Mail”.
  1. To make sure that your email is being sent correctly, select one of these options and compose an email to yourself with a single subject line that says “Hello”. It could be anything like “Hey there!” or something similar. Then send it to yourself and check if it arrives in your inbox. If you receive it, then congratulations! Your email automation works as intended.

8. Make your email automation workflow live and monitor its progress.

A typical email automation workflow is to have one person who initiates the process, and then the process is passed down to others who continue it. This helps in maintaining consistency. However, this can be difficult when you have a team working on different tasks.

The most efficient way to automate your email workflow is by using an AI-powered email automation tool like Mailchimp or HubSpot. These tools help you create emails that are personalised, targeted, and effective without having to spend hours manually creating emails for each person.


Email workflow helps reduce the time it takes for a message to be processed, and it also helps increase productivity. Email automation tools are also helpful for businesses that want to send out mass emails regularly without worrying about manually creating each one individually.

Email management is one of the most critical tasks for any company. Companies need to have a proper email workflow in place to ensure that they are not drowning in emails and not missing out on important information. It helps them manage multiple tasks and priorities, filter through emails, and use automation tools.


How many emails should be in a workflow?

The number of emails in an email workflow will depend on the size and scale of the company. However, it is recommended that companies have at least five emails in their workflow to keep things organised.

Can Outlook be used for workflow?

The answer is yes. Outlook can be used to create workflows with features such as calendars and collaboration. This is because Outlook has a lot of tools that are meant for productivity and efficiency in the workplace, like reminders, email filters, notes and more.

How do I add an email to my workflow?

There are several ways to add an email to your workflow:

  1. By hand: If you have a specific email that you want to add to your workflow, you can type the email in manually.
  2. By importing: You can also import emails from other services into your inbox using the “Import” option in Gmail or Outlook.
  3. Using a third-party app: There are third-party apps that allow you to add emails from different services into one inbox and then schedule them for later use or reply directly from the app without opening the actual email.
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