What is a Shared Inbox, and How to create one in Gmail?

Using Shared Inbox on Gmail

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Using Shared Inbox on Gmail

A Gmail shared inbox is a way for you to collaborate with other people on a project. This feature allows users to send and receive emails from one another. It also allows users to create different email groups to converse with their co-workers or clients without being distracted by the rest of the email stream.

A shared inbox is a feature that allows you to send messages to multiple people in your Gmail account simultaneously. It is helpful for organisations, teams, and individuals who want to collaborate via email. To create a shared inbox:

  1. Click Compose New Message.
  2. In the To field, enter the email addresses of all people you want to share your message with.
  3. In the Subject field, type in a subject for your message.
  4. Scroll down, type in your message body, or paste your text from Microsoft Word or another document into Gmail’s text field.

Ways to create a Gmail shared inbox.

In the past, email management has been difficult for many people. They had to delete emails to keep their inboxes clean and manageable manually. However, with Gmail’s shared inbox, managing emails has become much easier and less time-consuming. Thus, more companies are investing in this feature and using it for the benefit of the company.

Below are some ways to easily create a Gmail Shared Inbox:

1. Sharing a Gmail account and password.

Most people share a Gmail inbox by sharing an account’s access credentials. This might be done for each of the company’s departments. Many people will be logged into this account, accessing its email, calendar, files, etc. So, an account like this doesn’t have an owner‌.

2. Google Groups’ Collaborative Inbox

Google Groups has a new feature called the Collaborative Inbox. It is an email inbox where you can view and respond to messages from other group members. The collaborative inbox allows users to see who else is responding to a message, which makes it easy for them to have conversations and collaborate on projects.

Users can work together to create messages, replies, and posts for the same thread, or they can work on individual messages individually. It also provides a view of all the emails sent to your group, making it easier for users to find relevant content.

3. Gmail’s native delegation

Many people don’t know, but Gmail has a native email delegation feature. Gmail’s native delegation is a feature that allows you to grant access to someone else to access your inbox and reply to emails on your behalf. This can be helpful when you don’t have the time to respond to your emails. This feature makes it easier for people overloaded with work or dealing with personal problems and health issues, as they will not need to worry about replying or sending messages on their behalf.

4. Gmail shared inbox add-ons

Google shared inbox add-ons are apps that allow you to access your shared inbox on multiple devices. Gmail add-ons are browser extensions that allow you to mark emails as read, snooze emails for later, and even block senders from contacting you again. These add-ons allow you to manage and view messages across mobile, desktop, and tablet devices.

Why is Shared inbox the best tool for Google Workspace users

A shared inbox is the best tool for Google Workspace users as it helps them to stay connected with their colleagues. It also helps them to stay up-to-date on all the latest news and updates from their team. They can also use it to share files, collaborate on projects, and get important information about their work. Aside from these, the following are the main features of Shared inbox on Gmail:

1. Boards and visuals

One tool is Board and visuals shared inbox. This tool allows you to share your board with the people in your inbox. Boards and visuals shared inboxes have been used to share content. Now they are being used in different ways.

Some companies use them to create a sense of community among employees by sharing visual content that showcases their culture and values. Other companies use them to show their work process in an easy-to-understand way.

2. Task delegation

In shared inboxes, it is important to delegate tasks to ensure that the work is completed promptly and that each stakeholder can focus on their specific role. The new features in Gmail’s shared inbox allow users to delegate tasks in their shared inboxes and work together on projects or assignments while still maintaining their privacy at the same time.

3. Reports and analytics

In Gmail, the shared inbox is an email feature that lets you share your emails with others in your organisation. This allows them to search for specific topics or keywords and receive alerts when new emails come in. This feature is very useful in organisations focused on reports and analytics. It allows the team members to collaborate on a project and share their findings.

4. Email templates and email sequences

Another feature of Gmail’s shared inbox is shared email templates and email sequences which can be beneficial for both the sender and recipient. They allow people to stay on top of things without constantly checking emails, responding immediately, or worrying about what other people are doing.

Email templates allow people to focus on what’s important – their work – while also ensuring they’re staying on top of emails from other people in the office. Email sequences help employees get more done in one day by focusing on one task at a time rather than having to reply, check, reply again, etc.

5. File Sharing

A shared inbox in Gmail also allows file sharing. With just drag, you can keep it together right from the start, using the email driving the task as the task card, uploading files, taking notes and much more. It’s not only for you but also for everyone who has board access. The entire team is in sync all the time.


A Gmail Shared Inbox is an online service that allows you to organise your inbox and make it easier to find the messages you need to read. It also lets you share your inbox with others so they can see what is important to them. The benefits of using a shared inbox are:

  • Easier file sharing between team members.
  • Use of visual tools such as boards.
  • Allows task delegation among team members.


What is the difference between shared and regular inboxes?

The main difference of using a shared inbox instead of a regular inbox is that you don’t need to create an account for each message, so it’s easier for people to use the service. You can also send messages from different platforms like email, Facebook, Twitter, etc., so there will be no need to share your account details with others when they receive your message.

What is the difference between the Google group and the shared inbox?

The main difference between the Google group and shared inbox is that the former is where all your messages are placed, while the latter is where you can choose to put your messages.

Can I get a list of shared mailbox members?

If you are a salesperson and want to know the names of your clients who have shared their mailbox with you, there is an easy method to get this information.

You can use a free tool called “Shared Mailbox List”, which allows you to see all the shared mailbox members. Once you find the right person in your list, just copy and paste their email address into the “Shared Mailbox List”. You will get a list of all the shared mailbox members with their email addresses.

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