Gmail Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Gmail Shortcuts Cheatsheet

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Gmail Shortcuts Cheatsheet

Introduction to Gmail 17 Shortcut Keys Cheat Sheet

This article introduces 17 Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts that will help you save time on your daily emailing tasks.

Simply press these keys:

Ctrl+Shift+N: New Message

Shift + NCtrl+Shift+H : New Conversation

Shift + HCtrl+P: Print a conversation or email note

Esc: Exit the current conversation or navigate back to the inbox a page at a time. This is helpful if you are viewing an extensive email thread and need to get back quickly without deleting anything in your inbox.

Ctrl+Shift+J: Jump to a conversation or thread. This will take you directly to the last page of a specific conversation or thread.

Ctrl+1-8: Navigates between your different inboxes. If you have more than one, they will be listed here in order from “Inbox 1” to “Inbox 8”, with the most recent inbox at the top of your screen.

Ctrl+Shift+K: Archive an email by moving it to your archive folder.

Ctrl+Shift+R: Reply to a specific email in the current conversation or thread.

Ctrl+Shift+N + Enter: Reply to a specific email in an email chain without opening the first note in the chain.

Ctrl+Shift+M: Make a selection in your emails to spot it as “read” or “unread.” This allows you to select the note quickly and then enter to move through them. If you have opened an email, this will move forward and backwards between that conversation/thread and your inboxes.

Ctrl+Shift+E: Spot all messages in the conversation/thread as read. This allows you to quickly spot all messages in a conversation/thread as read.

Ctrl+Shift+H: Mark all messages in the current conversation or thread as “read.” This allows you to quickly mark all messages of a conversation or thread as read. If you have opened an email, this will move forward and backwards between that conversation/thread and your inboxes.

Ctrl+Shift+I: Mark all notes in the current conversation or thread as “unread.” This allows you to quickly mark all notes of a conversation or thread as unread. If you have opened an email, this will move forward and backwards between that conversation/thread and your inboxes.

Ctrl+Shift+B: Undo a marking that you made in the current conversation or thread. as “read.”: Spot all messages in the current conversation or thread as “unread.” This allows you to quickly mark all notes of a conversation or thread as unread. If you have opened an email, this will move ahead and backwards between that conversation/thread and your inboxes. : Undo a marking that you made in the current conversation or thread as “read.”

Ctrl+Shift+O: Open a new note window in the current conversation or thread.: Open a new message window in the current conversation or thread.

Ctrl+Shift+P: Print the current thread in its entirety, including all attachments. This is equivalent to holding down the “Control” key and pressing “P” on your keyboard: Print the complete contents of a board/thread. The printout will always be formatted for easy reading and includes attachments as well .: Open a new note window in the current conversation or thread. : Open a new note window in the current conversation or thread. : Print the complete contents of a board/thread. The printout will always be formatted for easy reading and includes attachments as well.

Ctrl+Shift+E: Export the current conversation or thread to an external application.: Export all posts from this board/thread to an external application, such as Evernote Notes or MS Word documents.

The Most Useful Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts Everyone Should Know

Useful Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts

Google mail keyboard shortcuts are a must-know for every user. They help you to work faster and more efficiently.

The most helpful Google mail utilizing keyboard shortcuts everyone should know are:

  • Cmd+/ – Compose and type a new email with a subject at the top of the screen
  • Cmd+N – New message window
  • Cmd+L – Loads the last saved draft of an email
  • Cmd+R – Opens up a new tab in your email.

Gmail Shortcuts That Help You Move Faster: Productivity

Google mail shortcuts are extremely helpful when you’re in a rush or need to get something done quickly. Here are some of the shortcuts cheat sheets that will help you move faster through your inbox:

  • Send and Archive All Messages: This will send all notes in your inbox into a folder called “Archive”, which is accessible from the “All Mail” tab. This makes it easier to find old emails without having to search through them all again.
  • Quickly Search for Emails: This allows you to search for emails using keywords or phrases in just one click, making it easy to find what you’re looking for quickly.

Gmail Shortcuts That Decrease Read And Response Time

Google mail Shortcuts can be used for a variety of purposes, some of which include the following:

  • To search for an email address
  • To find a phrase in an email
  • To quickly compose a new email
  • To print emails that contain attachments


Suppose you’re looking for a way to maximise your time and a step to boost your productivity. In that case, this article is handy because we have compiled a list of all the different keyboard shortcuts that are available with their corresponding function. Keyboard guides or shortcuts are essential in any professional position. They help us make our regular work more efficient and avoid wasting time.

It’s also important to note that not every shortcut listed below will work on every computer. Some computers have different keyboard layout menus, or certain keys may not be mapped correctly. Nevertheless, these shortcuts will help your turn on Gmail to become the best Gmail, which is called Gmail productivity.

Was this article helpful? Let us know in the comments.


What is Gmail commands?

Some of the most commonly operated commands are listed below:

  • Reply by applying a custom reply link
  • Search for emails in specific labels
  • Filter emails by sender or subject
  • Create new labels

How do I set up keyboard shortcuts on the keyboard

When using a computer, it is important to enabling shortcuts for the programs you operate most often. It helps you save time and effort by speeding up your work. You can do this by setting up shortcuts on your keyboard, so you don’t keep switching between your mouse and keyboard.

There are many different ways to set up keyboard shortcuts on a computer. Some people avail of a program like Keyboard Maestro, some benefit from the Windows key + X shortcut, and some use the Control Panel to create their own custom shortcut key combinations.

How to utilize keyboard shortcuts for Gmail to write and edit faster?

Shortcuts can be utilised to write faster and edit your work more efficiently. They also help you to save time by not having to go back and forth between different apps like apps, browsers, or text editors.

To create a shortcut, open up your email app on your phone or computer and tap on the three dots in the top right corner. Then tap on “Create Shortcut”.

On iPhone devices, this looks as follows: The next screen will ask you what you want it to do once you activate it – write an email or edit an email (or both). You can choose either “Write an Email.”

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