Trello and Gmail Integration: The Best of Both Worlds

Trello and Gmail Integration Guide

Table of Contents

Gmail and Trello are two of the most popular email and task management apps, respectively. But what if you want to use both of these apps simultaneously? Integrating Gmail with Trello can be an excellent idea for those who have to manage both their emails and tasks in one place.

Check out below how to integrate your Gmail account with your Trello account. Also, see the benefits of integrating these two accounts, as well as the steps involved with the process.

What is Gmail?

Gmail Integration Guide

Gmail is a free web-based email service that has a lot of benefits. It’s easy to use and has many features that allow you to manage your emails conveniently. Gmail is not only a popular email service but also the most reliable one.

Gmail offers features such as search operators, filters, and integration with other Google services. More features of Gmail include:

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface with a large storage capacity of 15GB.
  • Integration with Google Drive, Calendar, and other Google services.
  • The user can customize and organize the inbox by adding labels, priority, and stars for better organization of emails.
  • Searching through your inbox, contacts, or from the web.
  • Using filters to sort messages into categories, such as spam and social media updates.

With Gmail, you can connect all your emails in one place and access them from anywhere.

What is Trello?

Trello Guide

The Trello app is a popular project management software used by many businesses. It is a project management tool that helps teams stay organized and productive.

Trello provides an intuitive interface and an easy-to-use drag-and-drop system for organizing tasks. It also offers a visual representation of your progress on your projects, which can be very motivating.

Its integration with Gmail makes it even more helpful for teams that need to collaborate on projects and share their work. The integration means you can create a task in Trello from an email in Gmail or vice versa. You can also attach files from both services to tasks, making it easier to share your work with others.

Trello for Gmail Add-on

Gmail is one of the most popular email services in the world. Trello is a collaboration tool with boards and lists to help you organize your projects. Gmail Trello integration lets you use Gmail as your inbox for Trello so that you can manage everything from one place.

The Trello & Gmail integration connects your email with your project management tool to make it easier to manage emails while staying productive on all of your other tasks. With this integration, you will be able to see all of the emails related to a specific task or project right inside Trello.

How to Set Up the Trello and Gmail Integration and Getting Started

Set Up the Trello and Gmail Integration

The Trello and Gmail integration is a handy tool for teams that want to improve their workflow. It can be used by developers, designers, marketers or any team member. You can use it to assign tasks and have them show up in your inbox as notifications or in the sidebar of your email client.

Follow the steps below to integrate your Trello into your Gmail successfully:

1) Install the Trello add-on on Gmail by clicking on “Add-ons” at the top right corner of Gmail and then clicking “Get more add-ons”.

2) Search for “Trello for Gmail” and click “Add to Chrome”.

3) After installation, go back to your inbox and click on the Trello icon at the top left corner of Gmail.

4) Click on “Settings” in order to customize what you would like to see from your Trello account in your inbox.

Another way of setting up Trello and Gmail Integration is shown below:

1) Download the Gmail add-on from the Chrome Web Store

2) Select “Add extension” after choosing “Add to Chrome.”

3) Open a new tab in Chrome and go to

4) Copy your app key, which is at the top of that page, into the textbox in Gmail’s add-on

5) Click “Allow” on Gmail’s add-on

Once you have connected the two services, you will see the Trello app logo on the right side corner of your Gmail. You will also be able to receive a notification on both platforms whenever there is new mail or updates on your task list.

Benefits of Using Trello and Gmail Integration

Gmail Trello integration is an excellent tool for managing your to-do list. It integrates with Gmail to provide a seamless experience. You can use it as an alternative to Gmail’s default “Inbox” tab or as an additional tab on the right side of the screen.

With Gmail Trello integration, you can:

  • See all your to-do lists in one place.
  • Read and reply to email messages from within Trello.
  • Drag and drop emails from Gmail into a card on a Trello list.

Save Time and Avoid Context Switching

Trello and Gmail integration is a great way to save time and avoid context-switching between two apps. This integration basically allows you to create tasks in Trello from your email on the go without having to open up the app first.

For example, if you are working on a project, you can create a card in Trello and then move it to your Gmail inbox. This way, you don’t have to keep going back and forth between the two apps.

With this integration, you can manage your tasks in Trello and organize them into boards. You can then drag emails from Gmail into the corresponding cards in Trello. This will create new cards in Trello with the email as the card’s description. You can also create new cards from emails in your inbox by dragging an email to a board on Trello.

Master Teamwork, Not Just Another Tool

Trello-Gmail integration is an easy way to master teamwork in your organization. It’s a simple application that helps you collaborate more effectively with your team members and clients.

Trello makes it easy to share ideas and tasks between team members while also tracking progress. This allows everyone on the team to stay up-to-date on what needs to be done, making collaboration easier.

Additionally, Gmail allows you to send deadlines and updates to team members easily. By integrating Trello and Gmail, you can achieve better teamwork skills and make sure tasks are completed on time.

Increase Productivity

Trello and Gmail integration is a great way to increase productivity. It can help you in many ways, from managing your tasks to keeping your inbox clean. This integration allows you to keep all your tasks in one place, which can be easier to search and manage.

Additionally, because Trello integrates with Gmail, you can easily access your email notifications when tasks are updated or completed. This means you can stay on top of your work without constantly checking your inbox.

Finally, using Trello and Gmail together can help increase your overall efficiency since you’ll be able to manage more tasks at once.


Trello and Gmail Integration

Trello and Gmail integration makes managing projects and tasks more accessible than ever. Whether you’re a new user or an expert, this tool can help streamline your workflow.

  • Integration makes it easy to stay on top of what’s happening with your projects.
  • Employees and customers can quickly see the latest updates on their Trello cards in their Gmail inboxes.
  • This integration will also allow users of one service to move seamlessly between the two apps without having to open multiple tabs or windows.
  • This makes it easy for users to stay organized, keep track of their progress, and maximize their organisation’s productivity.


Is Trello capable of sending emails automatically?

You can set it up to automatically send an email whenever a Trello card is created. Cards can be shared via email, tasks can be notified, or messages can be sent without opening your email application. New cards trigger this event.

Can Trello be integrated with Google Calendar?

With Trello, you can integrate any of your calendars from Trello boards with Google Calendar, enabling you to see your calendars and due dates together.

Can Trello be connected to Outlook?

Trello boards’ calendars can be integrated with Microsoft Outlook for Windows so that you can see your calendars and due dates together in Outlook.

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