How to Make Gmail Dark Mode

Gmail Dark Mode

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Gmail Dark Mode

The newest fad is dark mode. It appears people are using their operating systems and applications everywhere they look. Gmail also has a dark mode, allowing you to enjoy your favourite look wherever you are.

Here, we’ll run through how to activate Gmail’s dark mode. We’ll also run through how to use the black theme, change Gmail’s theme if you don’t like it, and several desktop alternatives to Gmail.

Does Gmail have a dark mode?

First, let’s talk about the distinction between dark mode and night mode. When it is nighttime outside, true “night mode” makes your display dark. You’ll see light mode during the day and darkness at night. This capability is available in the macOS operating system, but as Gmail is a browser-based application, it doesn’t apply to apps or the system’s appearance.

Google offers Gmail dark mode but not a full Gmail night mode option. You can choose the dark mode, which keeps your Gmail dark at all times. There are a few distinct dark modes, but some have themes. The “terminal” theme, for example, has a cute terminal prompt in the top left corner.

How to enable Gmail dark mode on a desktop

You must first access Gmail using your browser to enable dark mode. This is how you do it:

  1. Activate your browser.
  2. Navigate to Gmail. (You may access Gmail by visiting or by visiting and choosing Gmail in the top right corner of the home page.)
  3. Log in if required
  4. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of your Gmail window while you’re there.
  5. Choose “Themes” > “View all.”
  6. Once you spot a black rectangle, scroll down. The word “dark” will appear when you hover over it.
  7. Choose the “Dark” theme.
  8. Choose “Save”

All you have to do is that! The Gmail theme has changed to dark. The inbox area is a lighter shade of grey, and the background is completely black. Remember that the messages themselves won’t have a background that is black or grey. Since the background of every message will still be white, the “black” style only feels appealing when you aren’t looking at a message.

Gmail dark mode for iOS

The ability to use dark mode was recently added to Gmail, a well-liked email program for iOS. Over a year ago, Apple made dark mode accessible to developers. Who knows why Google has taken this long?

And don’t be shocked if Gmail for iOS doesn’t include a dark mode option. It’s a server-side toggle, and the rollout just ended. You might need to upgrade your iPhone, or it could not have reached your device yet.

Here’s how to activate Gmail’s dark mode on iOS:

  1. Start your iPhone’s Gmail application.
  2. In the upper left corner of the screen, tap the menu symbol.
  3. Settings can be found farther down; click it.
  4. Choose a “theme.”
  5. Choose “dark”

Use Gmail in dark mode on Android

Of course, Gmail is also available for Android. This is how:

  1. Open the Gmail app on your Android phone or tablet.
  2. In the top left corner of the screen, tap the menu symbol (three lines).
  3. Settings can be found farther down; click it.
  4. ; Choose a “theme.”
  5. Choose “dark”

We love dark mode, much like a lot of other people. Since black pixels on newer smartphones with OLED screens don’t need to be illuminated, it is easier on the eyes and uses less battery power on the iPhone.

Sadly, not everything has a dark theme, and switching between them or seeing objects that aren’t dark might be startling. This is why we don’t like the Gmail theme; since messages still have a white backdrop, it just contrasts look better.

Change your Gmail background.

To change your Gmail backdrop, select a theme. You can create your background using a computer by:

  1. The standard motif.
  2. Dark mode design.
  3. More available themes
  4. On the picture, you’ve submitted.
  5. Change your theme to Dark mode to conserve battery life and make it simpler to read messages on a mobile device.

Does Gmail’s Dark Mode Work Well?

The ability to switch to dark mode in Gmail has a few advantages. First, a darker interface uses less battery power because modern OLED screen devices don’t need to illuminate dark pixels.

It lessens glare, which is helpful when using Gmail late at night because blue light particles have been shown to interfere seriously with sleep.

However, dark mode is troublesome because not all items are dark (when opening messages, for example), which makes switching between two drastically different experiences difficult.

How to Use an Extension to Make Chrome Dark

We now know that Gmail includes a built-in feature for turning off the lights. We are aware of its potential for confusion, that it varies depending on the device, and that it frequently falls short of providing the visually appealing experience you were hoping for.

Many people opt to employ extensions or third-party programs to create a dark mode to avoid these issues.

Once you’ve done that, simply go to the Chrome Web Store and perform a “dark mode” search. Using an extension like Dark Mode can have the following advantages:

Regular updates

Be assured that your dark mode theme will continue to function. You want to know that there are active developers synchronising your device’s software with new device protocols when you update it.

Apply to the full ecosystem of devices

Don’t just accept dark mode for your email. Take advantage of it on your complete phone, computer, or another digital device. Having dark mode is a genuine need if you play video games for a long time.


You must follow a few procedures to adjust Gmail’s dark mode manually. However, toggle switches are frequently provided by extensions. Simply put, you have an ON/OFF option that is simple to reach with a single click, saving you a few minutes every time you go back and forth.


If you want to explore a different look and feel for your interface, lessen glare, or conserve battery life, Gmail’s dark mode is a fantastic choice. Although unfortunately, Gmail is taking so long to push it out for iOS, it’s easy to enable. Even still, several UI components are locked into the Gmail default theme, making it a less-than-ideal choice.


Does Gmail have a night or dark mode?

You can change the theme in Gmail to improve your viewing experience. Depending on your preferences, there are also many more themes.

How can I enable dark mode in Gmail?

On Gmail, turning on Dark Mode is quite simple. Simply adhere to the detailed directions in the article as mentioned above.

Does Gmail have a dark mode for mobile devices?

Sure, it is. Dark Mode is compatible with iOS and Android devices and desktop computers. To enable it on the device of your choice, follow the above step-by-step instructions.

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