Gmail Attachment Size Limit: How to Send Larger Files

Gmail Attachment Size

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Gmail Attachment Size Limit

Gmail is one of the most popular email services. It has a huge user base, and millions of emails are sent daily. The limit on attachments in Gmail is a common concern for many users. In this article, we will see the limits on attachments in Gmail and how to get around them.

What is the Gmail Attachment Size Limit?

For incoming emails, Gmail limits attachment sizes to 50MB. Therefore, you can receive emails up to 50 MB in size from other people. In contrast, there is a limit of 25 MB for uploading files and sending emails.

The 25 MB limit applies to your email message’s actual size, not the file size on your computer. Your attachment has to be recorded in a new format (MIME) before it can be uploaded to Gmail.

As a result, your attachment can almost double. The “real” attachment size limit for Gmail is approximately 12.5MB. It is possible to get around this limit in a few ways.

How to Get Around The Attachment Size Limit

There are relatively easy ways to get around Gmail’s 25MB attachment limit. Read on to learn ways how to bypass the attachment size limit of Gmail.

Option 1: Use Google Drive

You can send your files through Google Drive, the easiest and most accessible method. Google will automatically upload files larger than 25MB to your Google Drive account if you attach files larger than that. Once the files are uploaded, they will be linked in the email. This way, the recipient of your email can easily access the files.

Alternatively, you can upload the files to Google Drive beforehand. Here’s how:

  1. At the bottom of your Gmail message, click the Insert files using the Drive icon.
  2. At the top, click Upload.
  3. Drag and drop files into the Upload tab, or select files from your computer by clicking Select files from your device.
  4. At the bottom of the window, click the Drive link if it isn’t already selected. As a result, the attachment will be converted into a Google Drive link that can be inserted into your email.
  5. Once you have attached the file, click Upload, compose your message and click Send.
  6. After granting access to the link, click Send again.

Option 2: Make Your Files Smaller

By reducing the file size of your attachments, you can get around the attachment size limit. You can easily compress files on your desktop. Select all the files you wish to send, and then right-click and select “Send to.” Then, send all these files to a compressed folder (.zip).

Often, this will reduce the attachment’s available size, keeping it under Gmail’s attachment size limit. Lowering the quality might also help you reduce the file size – although this isn’t always a good idea. Microsoft Paint or a similar program can reduce the dimensions of a photo artificially. The quality settings in your editing program can be reduced if you reduce a video’s or PDF’s size.

Option 3: Send Your Files Across Multiple Emails

Send your files separately, in different emails, if you have multiple files to attach and run into a size limit issue. The process is tedious. Putting it together and sending it takes more time. Besides taking more time to open, it is also more difficult to organise. But in a pinch, it works.

Option 4: Send Using a Different Platform

These options are available, but if none appeal to you, send your attachment files using a different platform completely. You may share files using an internal company server or upload them to a project management platform.

Troubleshoot Problems

Troubleshooting problems cannot be avoided in some situations. Do not worry! We have provided the following solutions to your problem.

Attachments won’t upload (desktop)

You need to make sure that you are using a supported browser. If you are having trouble adding the attachment, try using another browser. You might disable a web browser proxy if you have one set up.

Attachments might be unavailable.

Google uses the domain ‘’ to host attachments, and your network administrator or Internet provider probably blocked it. Get in touch with your internet service provider if you need more assistance.

Blocked for security reasons

The Gmail service doesn’t allow you to attach executable files, such as those ending in .exe, to prevent viruses.


Many email providers, including Gmail, allow you to attach files to your messages. In an email, you can drag and drop them directly from your computer or select them from your Google Drive. There is, however, a limit on how large attachments can be in Gmail, which is 25 MB. It prevents spammers from sending big, useless attachments to your inbox.


Why is Gmail saying my file is larger than 25MB?

In attachments, you can send up to 25 MB. It is not allowed to have more than one attachment that exceeds 25 MB. In the case of files over 25 MB, Gmail automatically attaches a Google Drive link instead of including them as attachments.

How do I send an email if the attachment is too big?

It is recommended that you compress the file. By compressing a large file into a zipped folder, you can make it a little smaller. You can create a smaller folder by right-clicking the file or folder and choosing “Compressed (zipped) folder.” This will enlarge the original folder.

How can I send files over 25MB in Gmail without Google Drive?

In terms of file storage, Dropbox is pretty great. You can upload and store all the files you need here. It’s a very popular way to share large files. If you click on the Share option in Dropbox, you can upload the file and send a web link to your recipient via email or text.

If they click this link, they will be able to access your file, and you can even specify a time during which they can access it. Moreover, the Dropbox for Gmail Chrome extension lets you send files, preview links, and more without leaving Gmail.

Unlike similar programs, where both ends need access to the same programs, this won’t be the case. You’ll be able to share your file with anyone, regardless of whether they’re using Dropbox.

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