A Comprehensive Look At G Suite And Gmail, Plus Their Pros And Cons

G Suite And Gmail

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G Suite And Gmail

G Suite and Gmail are today’s most popular email and productivity tools. They offer many features that make it easy for businesses to collaborate, communicate, and manage their workflows. But how do they compare?

In this blog, we will look at the differences between G Suite and Gmail and their unique features and use cases.


A Comparison Of Gmail And G Suite Features

Most people use Gmail and G Suite as their email services. It is important to understand their features to make an informed choice.

G Suite And Its Features

G Suite has become an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike. G Suite’s cloud-based applications and intuitive design make staying connected and collaborating with team members or customers easy. It also helps get work done faster. From document creation to video conferencing, G Suite is helping professionals save time while staying organised and productive.

Gsuite offers apps such as:

  • Google Docs: It allows users to instantly share, edit, and collaborate on documents.
  • Google Sheets: Businesses can collaborate quickly, track changes as they occur, and make informed decisions with cloud spreadsheets.
  • Google Slides: A presentation software that allows real-time editing of premade slides.
  • Google Drive is a file storage system that allows you to share and organise your files efficiently.
  • Google Meet: An integrated video and voice conferencing platform with chat and calendar.
  • Gmail: Featuring email snoozing, email notifications, email forwarding/routing, active sync, email notifications, scheduled emails, offline accessibility, email snoozing, and much more!

Gmail And Its Features

Gmail is one of the most popular email providers in the world, and it’s no surprise why. With an intuitive user interface, powerful security features, and a suite of productivity-enhancing tools, Gmail makes it easy to stay connected with friends and family while also staying organised and protected from malicious activity.

From its integration with Google Drive to its built-in spam filter, Gmail offers users a comprehensive package that can make communication more efficient.

It’s an invaluable tool; thus, knowing its features is important, and thus, it is important to know its features.

  • Recall Sent Emails: Accidentally sending an email with a mistake or typo can be embarrassing and potentially damaging. Fortunately, Gmail has a solution that allows users to recall emails sent within the past 30 seconds. This feature is incredibly useful for those needing extra time to check their emails before they hit “send”, ensuring that errors are caught and corrected before the message reaches its destination. Gmail’s settings allow you to change the time delay before you will have your email sent. You can choose anywhere between 5 seconds and 30 seconds, depending on how long you want a potential message to be held in the inbox. This setting is then applied across all devices, including desktop and mobile.
  • Schedule Emails: Gmail seeks to relieve work pressure through its new features that allow users to schedule emails to be sent in the morning, afternoon, or whenever they like. The company believes this will be helpful for people who have less downtime from work for various reasons. When composing a message, click the arrow next to the Send box to find the Schedule send option.
  • Offline Mode: You must enable the offline mode in Gmail’s settings for it to be effective. You can decide how much of your email gets synced (when you’re offline).
  • Drag Emails Between Tabs: This feature is effective if Gmail is set up on the web with separate tabs or categories. You can drag conversation threads between them to rearrange your messages.
  • Fit More Emails On Screen: Gmails has three density views available to users. This is shown by clicking on the Settings tab at the top right of the screen. You’ll have plenty of space on your Default email account with previews under email headers, you can use smaller-sized attachments without needing to scroll down by hiding them in a folder with the Comfortable feature, and finally, the Compact feature will allow you to compress everything even further.
  • Enable Confidential Mode: This feature lets you restrict message copying and downloading. You can find it via the menu button.
  • Let Google’s AI Compose Your Emails: This feature can write messages for you! Go to your Gmail settings, open General, and tick the Writing suggestions next to Smart Compose. And Viola! The message is done for you!
  • Translate Your Emails: Luckily, Google Translate is built into Gmail. Briefly, head to the top right of a web page. If you don’t see a translate bar, click the three dots (menu icon). If you want to find out what language is spoken there and initiate translation, click ‘Translate message’ from within the menu. The interface will then adjust according to your current location.
  • Bookmark Your Emails: You can link directly to your drafts and send emails or messages. Calling up search results is easy, and you can bookmark URLs in your browser to avoid looking through different tabs.

These are just a few of the many other features that Gmail offers!

Pros And Cons Of Gsuite And Gmail

G Suite

Benefits Of Using G Suite Include:

  • User-friendly
  • Allows for easy compatibility to connect data to Google sites
  • Efficient storage capacity
  • Fully cloud-based
  • It has excellent technical support, including its knowledge base, training certifications, and customer support forums.
  • Effective productivity tools

Drawbacks Of Using G Suite:

  • Lack of editing options for specific features such as Google Spreadsheets and Google Docs.
  • Price for a lot of users
  • Configuring backend settings can often be a daunting and perplexing task.
  • Google Meet lacks features that are found in other video conferencing platforms.


Benefits Of Using Gmail Include:

  • It’s completely free, unlike G Suite, where you have to pay for certain features.
  • User-friendly
  • Easy to install
  • High-grade security and spam filtering
  • A significant amount of storage space- it offers 15 GB of storage for free users.
  • Can integrate with other apps

Drawbacks Of Using Gmail Include:

  • As with any online service, there is a risk of security breaches or hacking.
  • It cannot be used offline.
  • Lack of privacy as your emails and your interactions on the site are used to target you with advertising from your emails.


Regarding cloud-based office suites, G Suite and Gmail are the most popular options. Both are equipped with various features to help you get work done more efficiently, but they come with different price tags and offer different levels of privacy protection.

G Suite is a cloud-based platform that offers a wide range of online tools for email, collaboration, storage, and more. It also offers greater security with advanced encryption across devices and networks.

Gmail, on the other hand, is an invaluable tool for both personal and professional communication, offering a secure, reliable platform to send and receive emails. From its intuitive user interface to its advanced security features, Gmail makes it easier to keep track of conversations and manage large amounts of email.

Both are effective options, so it all depends on what suits your unique needs!


Is G Suite different from Gmail?

Yes, they are different.

G Suite is Google’s online office suite. It includes Gmail, Drive, Docs, and more. If you’re already a G Suite subscriber and have your Gmail account online through FastMail or another similar service, you can keep using it.

Otherwise, you can use the G Suite service instead of your Gmail account.

How much does it cost to use G Suite?

G Suite Basic Edition is a suite of collaborative productivity apps that offer professional email, shared calendars, online document editing and storage, video meetings and much more. Standard Price: 6 USD per user per month

How secure is Gmail?

Gmail uses peer-to-peer encryption, which is considered the safest method in general. As a result, your emails are safe when they move between your devices and Gmail’s servers.

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