What is a Collaboration Email?

Email Collaboration

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Email Collaboration

A collaboration email is a type of email used to collaborate on tasks. This email will have a subject line with “Collaboration” and a list of people in the email.

The problem with collaboration email is that it can be time-consuming and inefficient communication. The next generation of email collaboration tools offers a better alternative to email, with features that make this communication channel more productive and effective.

In this article, we will explore three email collaboration tools and why you should start using this software at work.

What are Email Collaboration Tools?

Email collaboration tools are software applications that allow people to collaborate on email messages and other documents in a centralised location. Email collaboration tools allow messages to be easily shared, delegated and tracked. There are many benefits to using these tools in the workplace, including increased productivity and improved efficiency.

There are many email collaboration tools on the market, and choosing which is suitable for your company can be challenging. Some email collaboration tools may hinder communication between team members, while some hinder the productivity of the team members due to a lack of feedback.

To help you find the right option, we’ve put together three email collaboration tools that are reliable and very easy to use:

1. Google Collaborative Inbox

Google Collaborative Inbox is a new feature that Google has recently introduced. This new feature will be available on Gmail, GSuite, and Inbox by Gmail. It’s been designed to make it easier for people to manage their emails by grouping them into categories.

The first category is the primary inbox, which contains all the emails that are unread and not starred. The second category is called ‘Social’ and includes an email from social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The third category is ‘Promotions’, which contains promotional messages from companies or organisations you have expressed an interest in receiving marketing materials from. And finally, there’s the fourth category called ‘Updates’, which includes things like bank statements, airline flight information, and other updates that don’t require any action on your part.

However, Google has limits on the Gmail collaboration feature. The Gmail collaboration feature is limited to 10 people. Sharing the same document or email with over ten people will not be possible.

2. Outlook Shared Mailbox

Microsoft Outlook Shared Mailboxes can be used by anyone in your organisation as they provide a central repository for emails, contacts, calendars, tasks, notes, etc. You can also create shared inboxes, which allow you to see what everyone is working on.

One benefit of using a Microsoft Outlook Shared Mailbox is that you don’t need to create an email account for every person who needs access to the account. You just have to add them as delegates, granting them access to the account without requiring them to create an account independently. Another benefit of using an Outlook shared mailbox is that you can use it for different purposes, such as file sharing, archiving, customer support or customer service, and communication. This way, you don’t need a different email account to collaborate with your co-workers or clients.

3. Gmelius

Gmelius is an email marketing software designed to increase the productivity of marketers and sales teams. It’s an AI-powered collaboration platform that helps team collaboration stay in sync and on task.

Gmelius offers a new way of sending emails by allowing marketers to schedule them up to 3 days in advance. This means that they can send emails on time and without having to worry about late delivery. This collaboration app also allows for automated campaigns, which means you don’t need to create new content whenever you want to send out a campaign. You just set up your parameters and let Gmelius do all the work for you.

Collaborative email: Why should you use it now?

Collaborative email is a new concept that has been gaining traction in recent years. It’s an effective communication and collaboration feature for your team without needing constant coordination.

The idea behind collaborative email is to let everyone know you’re working on something and receive input from them as needed without constantly coordinating who replies and when. This is done by sending out emails with a shared subject line, which anyone can reply to.

Here are some benefits of using collaborative email:

Work as a Team by Sharing an Inbox

There are many reasons why you might want to share an inbox with your coworkers. You may want to collaborate on projects or just share your workload‌. A team inbox can be a great way to share information between team members and keep everyone up-to-date. It is also an excellent way to delegate tasks and assign responsibilities.

The main benefit of the team inbox is that it gives everyone who needs access to the shared inbox the ability to read, reply, and forward messages. The shared inbox also contains all messages from people outside of your company so that you can respond on behalf of your team.

Shared Labels “De-Clutter” Your Inbox

Shared Labels is an easy way to organise your inbox and make it more manageable. This feature allows you to apply the same label to multiple emails simultaneously. It is especially useful when you have conversations with the same person on different topics or are working on a project with different tasks. It also allows you to clean up your inbox by applying labels like “Unread” or “Important” to all your emails at once instead of selecting each email individually.

Increase Email Effectiveness with Better Visibility and Control

Email is a powerful marketing tool that should be used to its full potential. This includes being more visible in the inbox and being able to control the messages that are sent.

The first step to increasing email effectiveness is ensuring your emails are visible in the inbox. With email collaboration and several people handling an inbox, emails that are being sent to customers or clients are all personalised and carefully composed, which makes the email more visible to the eyes of consumers.

The second step is to make sure that you have control of the messages that are sent. Collaborative email uses automation and segmentation to send targeted emails on a scale and target audience. This basic personalisation tactic allows you to deliver relevant content to your customers and clients.


Collaborative email is a platform that allows you to share your emails with other people. It differs from other ways of sending out emails because it allows you to work together on the same project, making it much easier for all parties involved.

A good deal of software can be used for email collaboration, such as Google Collaborative Inbox, Microsoft Outlook Shared Mailbox, and Gmelius. These tools help you easily delegate tasks, speed up response times, and work smarter as a team.

Listed below are some features that this software offers to increase productivity:

  • Collaborative email allows everyone who needs access to the shared inbox to read, reply, and forward messages.
  • It is an easy way to organise your shared inbox and make it more manageable through labels.
  • Email collaboration also increases email effectiveness.


How does collaborative email work?

Collaborative email is a user-friendly way to collaborate with your colleagues and manage projects. It makes it easy to share messages and files with the people you work with, keeping everyone informed on what’s happening in real time.

How do I make a collaborative email in Gmail?

The first thing to do is go to Gmail and click the “Compose” button. Next, you will see a blank email with a list of recipients on the left side and a blank message box in the centre. If you want to reply to an email, simply click on the person’s name or email address to which you want to reply.

If you want to add someone who is not to your contacts list, type their email address into the “To” field. Afterwards, enter your message into the text box at the bottom of your screen and hit send.

Can you collaborate on an email?

Collaborating on an email can be done‌ and is a great way to work together on a project and get the best insights from different perspectives. There are also tools like Microsoft SharePoint, Google Docs, and Dropbox that allow for the collaborative editing of documents.

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