Unlock The Full Potential Of Your Emails: The Best Email Trackers For Gmail

Best Email Tracker For Gmail

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Have you ever sent an important email and wondered if it was received, opened, or read by the recipient? Well, wonder no more! Email trackers for Gmail are here to save the day. These nifty tools allow you to track when someone opens your email, clicks on links, and downloads attachments.

They’re a great way to keep tabs on your email communications, whether sending an important message to a client or running an email campaign for your business.

Many people use Gmail due to its great features. Fortunately, there are several email tracker apps and extensions that you can use with Gmail to track your emails.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best email trackers for Gmail and their incredible features and benefits. So, whether you’re a busy professional or a small business owner, read on to find out which email tracker is right for you!

Better yet, run towards the Chrome Store now to check out some of these unbelievably great email trackers for Gmail!

Understanding Email Trackers And How They Work

Email trackers allow you to track the delivery and engagement of your email communications. They work by inserting a unique tracking pixel or code into your email messages. This tracking code, when triggered, sends a signal back to the email tracker, providing information about the email engagement.

When an email tracker is used, it can provide information on when an email was opened, how many times it was opened, the device used to open the email, which links were clicked, and if any attachments were downloaded. This information is then used to provide real-time notifications, detailed analytics, and insights into your email campaigns.

Email trackers typically work by integrating with your email client, such as Gmail, and adding a tracking feature to your email interface. Many email trackers also offer additional features, such as email templates, scheduling, and automation, to help you streamline your email communications and improve productivity.

Benefits Of Using An Email Tracker For Gmail

  • Insight into Email Engagement: Email trackers allow you to see when and how your emails are being engaged with. You can see if your emails are being opened, which links are being clicked, and if attachments are being downloaded. This information can help you better understand your audience and tailor your emails to their preferences and interests.
  • Improved Follow-Up: With email trackers, you can see if your emails have been opened or not, allowing you to follow up at the right time. This can help you to close deals, get responses to important emails, and ensure that the right people are seeing your messages.
  • Increased Productivity: Email trackers can save time and effort by providing real-time notifications when your emails are opened. This can help you to prioritise your inbox and respond to important messages more quickly.
  • Better Analytics: Email trackers provide detailed analytics on your email campaigns, allowing you to see which emails are performing well and which are not. This data can help you to make data-driven decisions and improve your email marketing strategy.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Many email trackers, such as HubSpot Sales and Yesware, integrate with other tools like CRM software and sales engagement platforms. This can help you to streamline your workflow and improve your sales and marketing processes.

Best Email Trackers For Gmail

HubSpot Sales

HubSpot Sales is a free email tracker for Gmail that allows you to track when someone opens your email, clicks on links, and downloads attachments. It also provides you with real-time notifications when someone interacts with your email.

One of the unique features of HubSpot Sales is its ability to track email templates, allowing you to see which templates are most effective. HubSpot Sales also integrate with the HubSpot CRM, allowing you to track your sales pipeline and follow up with leads more effectively.


Mailtrack is a popular email tracking tool that integrates with Gmail. It provides real-time notifications when someone opens your email, clicks on links, and downloads attachments. Mailtrack also allows you to see how many times an email has been opened and the date and time of each opening.

One of the great things about Mailtrack is its simplicity. It’s very easy to set up and use, making it a great option for individuals and small businesses.


Yesware is a powerful email tracking tool that integrates with Gmail, Outlook, and Salesforce. It allows you to track email opens, clicks, and downloads, schedule emails, and set follow-up reminders.

Additionally, it also provides you with detailed analytics on your email campaigns, allowing you to see which emails are most effective and make data-driven decisions about your email strategy.


Boomerang is a popular email extension for Gmail that includes several useful features, including email tracking. It allows you to track when someone opens your email, schedule emails to be sent later, and set follow-up reminders.

Boomerang also includes a “Respondable” feature that uses AI to analyse your emails and provide you with suggestions for how to improve your response rate.


SalesHandy is an all-in-one sales engagement platform that includes email tracking and features for email automation, document tracking, and more. It integrates with Gmail, Outlook, and other email clients and provides real-time notifications when someone opens your email or clicks on links.

SalesHandy also includes several useful analytics features, allowing you to track your email campaigns and make data-driven decisions about your sales strategy.

Things To Keep In Mind When Using An Email Tracker For Gmail

When using email trackers for Gmail, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you are using them effectively and responsibly:

  1. Respect Recipient Privacy: Some recipients may have privacy concerns about being tracked. To ensure that you respect their privacy, it’s important to be transparent about using email trackers and provide an opt-out option.
  2. Use it Responsibly: Email trackers should be used responsibly and ethically. Avoid using email trackers for unsolicited emails or spamming. Be mindful of how you use email tracking data and ensure that you are using it to improve your communications, not to violate the privacy of your recipients.
  3. Understand the Limitations: Email trackers have limitations, such as email clients that block tracking pixels or recipients with disabled image loading. Remember that email tracking data may not always be 100% accurate.
  4. Choose the Right Tool: Many different email trackers are available, each with its features and pricing plans. Choose the one that fits your needs and budget, and ensure it integrates well with your Gmail account.
  5. Use Email Trackers as a Part of Your Strategy: Email trackers are a useful tool for tracking the delivery and engagement of your emails. However, they should not be used as the sole strategy for your email communications. Use email trackers as a part of a broader email marketing and sales strategy to achieve the best results.

Invest In An Email Tracker For Gmail

Email trackers for Gmail are valuable for anyone looking to improve their email communications and sales effectiveness. By providing real-time notifications, detailed analytics, and insights into email engagement, email trackers can help you to tailor your emails to the preferences and interests of your audience, follow up at the right time, and streamline your workflow.

However, using email trackers responsibly and respecting your recipients’ privacy is important. Be transparent about your use of email trackers, provide an opt-out option, and use email tracking data to improve your communications, not to violate the privacy of your recipients.

Many different email trackers are available, each with its features and pricing plans. Choose the one that fits your needs and budget, and ensure it integrates well with your Gmail account. Use email trackers as a part of a broader email marketing and sales strategy to achieve the best results.

Overall, email trackers can provide valuable insights into your email communications and help you to improve your productivity and sales effectiveness. By using them responsibly and as a part of a broader strategy, you can take your email communications to the next level. So why not give them a try?


Can email trackers for Gmail be detected by the recipient?

Not always. Some email clients block tracking pixels or disable image loading, which can prevent email trackers from working properly. However, most email trackers will still provide engagement data, such as when the email was opened or clicked.

Do I need any special software or hardware to use an email tracker for Gmail?

No, you do not need any special software or hardware to use an email tracker. Most email trackers are web-based tools that integrate with your Gmail account.

Is there a limit to how many emails I can track with an email tracker for Gmail?

This depends on the email tracker you are using. Some email trackers limit the number of emails you can track monthly, while others offer unlimited tracking.

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