Automatically Delete Spam From Your Gmail Account With These 5 Tricks

Automatically Delete Spam In Gmail

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Automatically Delete Spam Email

Gmail is one of the most popular email services today. It has many features, but it also has some quirks you might not know about.

Spam mail is a problem that almost every internet user faces. This is because we’re unable to distinguish between what’s important and what’s junk mail.

If you’re tired of spam cluttering your inbox, do not fret! Here is a comprehensive guide for 5 Gmail tricks to automatically delete spam without opening the app or website.

What Is Spam Mail?

Spam is a term used to describe content sent to the internet without asking for the recipient’s consent. It’s an irritating, unwanted message that can be classified in some ways as malware, phishing or hoax.

Google has been working hard to eliminate spam from Gmail while also developing new technology to identify and stop it.

Most people have received a spam email, or ‘spam,’ at some point. And no matter what the subject of the email is, they are almost always commercial and driven by a financial motive. Spammers try to promote and sell questionable goods, make false claims and deceive recipients into believing something untrue. There is an estimated 14 billion pieces of spam sent every year!

Steps To Automatically Delete Spam Email From Gmail – Laptop Version

  1. Log in to your Gmail in Webmail.
  2. Click the Cog symbol at the top right, then “Settings” from the dropdown.
  3. Choose the “See all settings” icon from the drop-down menu.
  4. Go into the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab.
  5. Click the “Create a new filter” icon.
  6. Fill out all the relevant details and click the “Create filter” button.
  7. Tick the “Delete it” option and the “Also apply a filter to x matching conversations” option to delete preexisting emails.
  8. To complete the process, click the “Create filter” option once again. Viola! You are now free from spam and can browse through Gmail stress-free.

Automatically Delete Spam Email From Gmail: Mobile Version

Delete Spam Email From Gmail

If you are a person who prefers to scroll through their Gmail on their mobile devices, then this is how to delete spam on there.

It is important to note that, sadly, the mobile Gmail app does not allow you to create filters as it does on a laptop or computer. For this reason, you have to use the Gmail web version or a third-party alternative such as Clean Email.

Follow these essential steps to create filters in Clean Email:

  1. Firstly, you need to start by downloading the Clean Email app for your iOS or Android device. Luckily it is available for both!
  2. You then need to connect your Gmail account and wait for your data to be synced.
  3. Click on the “Auto Clean” tool on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
  4. To add a new automated rule, choose the “+icon” at the very top of the screen.
  5. Create a rule that is based on the criteria of the new rule. Any messages that do not follow these criteria will be put in their respective trash folder.
  6. Click the “Create Rule” button. Yay! Your junk messages in your new filter are activated and will delete your spam in no time.

Extra-Precautionary Steps To Automatically Delete Spam From Gmail

With the ever-increasing number of spam emails, email providers constantly find new and innovative ways to block these emails. There are several different ways that spammers have been trying to avoid these filters, such as making the email sound like it’s coming from a different device or simply changing their email address.

For this reason, you might not feel that these previous steps are enough to delete spam from your Gmail automatically. Luckily for you, there are a few more ways!

Block Senders:

If you’re getting a lot of unwanted messages from someone and you want to stop them from messaging, blocking them can be done at any stage. This setting can be found in most email software. Doing this prevents the senders from seeing your email address or phone number, and they won’t be able to send you messages even if they know it.

To do this, open the message from the senders and click on the “More” option at the top right corner of your screen. Afterwards, choose the “Block” option.

Another option is to copy and paste unwanted email addresses into the “blocked addresses” that are found within the Gmail settings.

Report The Spam

Every day, Gmail flags about 25% of emails as spam. However, there is another 50% of emails can be classified as spam but not identified. If you suspect something is spam, you can report it by clicking on the “Report Spam” button at the bottom of your inbox.

Use Third-Party Spam Filters

Gmail’s spam filter is great because it can identify and block malicious messages that could affect your account. However, you may miss legitimate messages that other email users receive. In these cases, a third-party spam filter might be able to help you.

Some good examples of third-party spam filtering apps include MailWasher, SpamSieve, and MX Guarddog.

Hide Your Email Address

In an effort to avoid spam, you may have to remove your email address from your social media accounts or public sharing platforms.


The last option is to unsubscribe from any recurring emails or subscriptions.

Unsubscribing from a mailing list can help you save time and energy. By unsubscribing, you will also be removing yourself from that sender’s list, which can reduce the number of emails they send to you.


Gmail is often a weak point for many people. It’s an easy target for spammers and marketers, and the service itself won’t help you weed out the junk. However, if you combine Gmail with AI writing assistants, you’ll have an easier time filtering out irrelevant content to keep your inbox clean.

Spam should not stop you from scrolling through your Gmail peacefully. Remove that pesky spam with these steps now to help!


What are the different types of spam?

There are various types of spam include:

  • Comment Spam.
  • Trackback Spam.
  • Negative SEO Attack.
  • Spiders, Bots and DDoS Attacks.
  • E-mail Spam.

How do I recognise spam in Gmail?

Gmail automatically identifies suspicious emails and marks them as spam. When you open your Spam label, you’ll see emails that were marked as spam by Gmail. Each sender email will include a label at the top that explains why Gmail sent it to Spam.

How can I avoid getting spam in my Gmail?

  • Send newsletters from your own domain.
  • Authenticate your domain.
  • Maintain a strong sender reputation.
  • Consider your IP reputation.
  • Optimise your newsletter copy.
  • Avoid spam trigger words.
  • Optimise your image-to-text ratio.
  • Check your link quality.
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